Heat wave expected in valleys this week

LOS ANGELES (CNS) – Public health officials warned of extreme heat, including triple-digit temperatures, in some valley areas today this week.

The Los Angeles County Health Official issued a heat alert on Monday for high temperatures in the following locations:

– Antelope Valley, Tuesday to Friday;

– West San Fernando Valley, Tuesday through Friday;

– East San Fernando Valley, Wednesday through Friday;

– Santa Clarita Valley, Wednesday through Friday.

“While it is very important that everyone take special care of themselves, it is equally important that we reach out and look for others, especially those who are particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of high temperatures,” said the health official from Los Angeles County Muntu Davis. “High temperatures are not only uncomfortable, they can be dangerous and even fatal. But we can protect ourselves, our families, and our neighbors if we take steps to stay cool and hydrated. ”

He urged everyone – especially seniors, children, outdoor workers, athletes and people with chronic illnesses – to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses. He recommended drinking plenty of water, avoiding the outdoors during the hottest hours, wearing sunscreen and light and light clothing, and wearing hats and umbrellas.

Children or pets should never be left unattended in cars and should be reported to 911 if discovered. Beware of heat stroke and call 911 if you have symptoms such as high body temperature, vomiting, and pale and clammy skin. Watch out for those at risk, including the sick, the elderly, pregnant women, children, and people living alone. Avoid strenuous exercise while wearing a mask.

Visit your local utility’s website or call the utility to see if there are any planned blackouts.

It was expected that free cooling centers would be opened at various locations throughout the district. Residents without access to air conditioning were encouraged to visit these facilities. However, staff and visitors have been advised to stay home if they feel sick and anyone who shows signs of illness will be moved to medical treatment. Everyone must wear a mask regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status.

For information on cooling systems, visit ready.lacounty.gov/heat or call 211.

Los Angeles County residents and business owners, including people with disabilities, can call 211 for information on emergency preparedness and forwarding services. 211 is in operation around the clock and can also be reached at 211la.org.

Copyright 2021, City News Service, Inc.

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