Cobra Kai’s Dallas Dupree Young on Kenny’s Arc in Season 4 [Interview]

Let’s talk about the bullying because it broke my heart. And watching Kenny’s arc with the bullying is really intense. What do you think this will mean for a lot of kids watching?

What Kenny’s story will mean to many children is that bullying doesn’t go unnoticed. Always. And it’s always going to be a hard and difficult conversation with everyone. Well, what Kenny does that other kids aren’t supposed to do is get physical towards the end. But what I want is for you to tell an adult, tell a parent, tell someone you trust so this can be stopped. It’s okay to say no, it’s okay to be stopped. You cannot allow this to happen to you and affect your life because it really harms a person. And I have experienced that. That’s why Kenny’s story made such an impression on me from day one.

It was absolutely heartbreaking to see. And you know, one thing I really appreciated was the fact that he’s a huge video game player. Play it?

I play video games, yes. I also often play video games. I’ve never played dungeon lord, I’ve never played a game like this, but it was cool to play this game even though it was all green screen. They gave me an idea of ​​where everything would be. And then when I look at it on camera, I’m like, ‘Wow. So that’s the game I played.”

What do you actually play in real life?

So I always play sports games like Madden, MLB 2K, and occasionally Fortnite.

“Fourteen days”? That’s great. So you get it. Are any of you and the cast playing on the set?

On the set? Yes. We always played – so we didn’t really play video games on set, but we always played mind games. We played this game called “Ninja” where we all have to stand in a circle and then try to smack each other’s hands while moving away. And then we also had very meaningful conversations together, about games. And then when we’re not on set, we play various games like Mario Kart whenever they invite us to their house. It’s really an incredible environment on set.

Kenny cosplays, which is a really big deal for a lot of fans of this show. have you ever done this

I’ve never cosplayed in my life. I’ve never done it, but I have to try this. But the other thing was, I thought about it. It would be really cool to have a Halloween costume with Dr. to have scribble bottoms. And I would get this costume and start cosplaying.

Oh my God. OK. I have a feeling this has to happen.

It must. It has to happen.

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