The Santa Monica-based foundation seeks $ 500,000 to help 11-year-olds with cancer

Kian Faghih, 11, has battled cancer for two years with little success, but hopes experimental gene-directed therapy in Santa Monica can help.

The Seattle resident tried multiple treatments, but his cancer reached stage 4.

“We are now forced to act quickly as his treatment options are few and his time is running out,” Faghih’s sister Dana Faghih wrote on his GoFundMe page.

One option, however, remains: DeltaRex-G Therapy, an experimental treatment only available at the Sarcoma Oncology Center in Santa Monica.

The only catch is that DeltaRex-G is not yet mass-produced by a pharmaceutical company, and the Santa Monica-based Aveni Foundation uses private donations to make the treatment.

DeltaRex-G has been approved for compassionate use by the Food and Drug Administration, and while this has not yet been fully proven, Dr. Erlinda M. Gordon states that treating the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea, hair loss and avoiding immunosuppression.

“This really is his last chance,” said Gordon.

Jamshid Faghih, Kian’s father, said the treatment could produce positive results for his son.

“That is the only hope we have to save his life,” said Jamshid Faghih.

In this case, the foundation needs $ 500,000 and the Faghihs are collecting donations to save Kian’s life.

“It’s a really nice thing and it’s good to do kind things,” said Kian.

Information about the Aveni Foundation can be found on their website.


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